Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Who has the hardest jobs in Pickens County?

as published in The Pickens County Progress Thurs. Aug. 2, 2012

Do you know someone who comes home from work dirty, or even bloody? Do they have a job that nobody else will do? Does he or she deal with the public and have a wild tale to tell every time you meet? Or maybe you're the one who "works like a dog" every single day.

Hard Job: Cafeteria Monitor!
I want to go to work with you, and see what you do. I want to come home with dirty hands and muddy shoes. I'll share your story with The Progress.

Jobs are harder to keep than they used to be. And many folks work two or three to have any sort of living wage. We’ve lowered our standards, too, about what we’d consider doing, for a paycheck. I did something at a grocery store with oven cleaner and a garden hose that’s best forgotten. (But I’ve grown as a person).

And our problems and solutions aren’t like anyone else’s. Not in Fulton or DeKalb, or even Gwinnett these days, will you see a cow blocking a two-lane. Nor will you see a yellow school bus full of kids laughing at the cow in the road, as their hard-working driver (whose other job is preaching) says “hello” to the cow, in passing.

And you won’t see a city cop herding a cow with his cruiser. But you may see a deputy doing it here, where it’s all in a day’s work. Around here, we must “make do” with what’s available.

            If you know someone who always says, “You won’t believe what happened at work today…,” please tell me where I can find this person! They may have the toughest job in Pickens County.